Days of Honor Season 1 Episode 2
The sabotage unit makes another attempt to reach over the territory of Poland. This time it succeeds, although all five accidentally land about 20 km from the planned drop site. There are also some serious problems – Władek’s parachute catches on tree branches, the boy has to jump from a considerable height and twists his leg. Worse, the paratroopers encounter a German patrol: they are forced to kill two soldiers, unaware that the third one is hiding among the trees. They also bury the belts with the imported gold and head towards Warsaw. Since the manhunt for the „drop” from England prepared by the Gestapo ends in a fiasco, the enraged standartenführer Gerd Keller concludes that Karol Ryszkowski has deceived him. He hands him over to the sadist Rappke, who tortures him during interrogations. The intervention of Major Halbe of the Abwehr helps little. Only when one of the parachutes is found does Karol regain the Germans’ trust. Wanda asks doctor Maria to put her in touch with underground activists. He wants to join the fight. The doctor initially refuses, but the situation forces her to take advantage of Wanda’s offer. When the Gestapo searches hospitals in search of the escaped Antek, a seriously injured and still very weakened boy is hidden in the apartment of Wanda and her mother Helena (Ewa Wencel). Major Konarski’s unit goes to the first point of contact, which is the apartment of a certain Rogalski (Leon Charewicz). Due to a misunderstanding, the saboteurs mistake Rogalski for a traitor, and there is almost no shooting. They will also meet a liaison officer Ola (Paulina Chapko), a medical student and a charge of doctor Maria, who is to help them move around Warsaw. [TVP]