Locked Up Season 2 Episode 4
Zulema has launched a new plan has achieved an important contact out of jail and now only needs a confidence dam is designated to replace Tere as Sentinel. And the only prey that meets all conditions can not be other than Macarena. Sole, meanwhile, left his successful heart transplant operation, but that was a small victory. The recovery process is slow and delicate and now have to get used to her new life, her new sensations and new feelings. Curls and Macarena are not going through a good moment in their relationship. Macarena tries to forget doubts whether Rizos tricked her had just stuck in the drain and thus not legally free to leave. Curls, meanwhile, has not told him what he did Valbuena and try to get over herself. Saray still in love with Curls and will do anything to back together. Finally, Leopoldo made his wife and son escaped and went to confess to death Castillo ‘The Egyptian’. You bear the guilt of having killed, but he did always defending himself.